Posted by Catherine Radosa
Catherine Radosa works at the intersection of images and situations that she meets, or produces. By lecture of places, observing, listening, documenting, she questions the present of the memory, personal and collective representations: the individual-society relationship, geographical and social boundaries, History, identity. Between investigation and reverie, by mounting voices, images, contexts and times, she forms collective figures of witnesses from the experienced spirit of the place (Prague, Paris, Lima) and the moment. According to each project, she involve several vocabularies (photography, video, animation 3D, sound, document, text). Also she builds, often in urban areas, participatory situations and performances, including projection on the architecture, but also films (short and medium-length films) for projection room, broadcasting on screen, for installation, images for printing and publishing.
She was born in Prague in 1984, she lives in Paris, works in Europe.