Posts By Catherine Radosa

Week 122 – November 8 to November 15

Katja Stuke

Word Park, Beijing 2011

Anne Brunswic

Le cimetière des souliers crevés

En visitant le Museo de la Memoria à Rosario, j’ai été frappée par une photographie qui occupe un mur entier. Elle est l’œuvre de Gerardo Dell’Oro, un reporter argentin qui a accompagné aux Malouines en 2010 le premier grand pèlerinage de familles de disparus. Elle représente des dizaines de bottes et de baskets éventrées fichées sur des piquets au milieu de la lande déserte. Dans le contexte du musée de Rosario, cela peut passer pour de « l’arte povera ».

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Manuela Morgaine

Human root – memory of a sculpture by Ousmane Sow, Dakar.

Shocked this week in France by the invective to a French deputy of African origin by a far-right deputy: “GO BACK TO AFRICA!” I remembered this sculpted face that I had seen in the Ousmane Sow Museum in Dakar. In front of this face I then said to myself that all the suffering of migrations and exile was expressed by this single head of clay that I then saw emerging like a deep root.

Kasia Ozga

Digital Video. Duration: 1 minute 21 seconds.

There is a tall-grass prairie preserve near where I live. In 2015, the Western Reserve Land Conservancy acquired a 63-acre property on the southern edge of the City of Oberlin in Lorain County. The preserve is part of the Black River Watershed and originally belonged to the Copeland family, which was actively involved in the abolitionist movement and the fugitive slave assistance network. The spirit of John Anthony Copeland lives on in this place.

Aurelia Mihai

Schaufenster (Hamburg, 06.11.2022)

Die Freiheit der Frau ist die Freiheit der Gesellschaft
The Freedom of Women is the Freedom of Society

Anne Dubos

To be Careless

If one is wondering about Care, its value and its meaning, I have finally been wondering about carelessness. To be careless isn’t somehow, more than a way of not paying any attention, a behaviour that returns not receiving any gesture of Care? These two kids, growing in my womb, in my hospital room during the lockdown, without any gesture of attention nor care from their father, nor family and friends: weren’t they left careless?

To be careless has, at least two meanings, that mirrors the notion of reciprocity. If the Oxford dictionary offers this definition to the term careless: « not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harms or error.» Its synonyms are: « to be inattentive or uncautious ; An action or its results caused by a lack of attention. Not concerned or worried about.»

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Natacha Nisic

Narren -Fools

Meuble à fiches constitué par Aby Warburg à partir de 1914 jusqu’en 1918.

Kunst bibliothek, Hamburg

File cabinet made by Aby Warburg from 1914 to 1918.

Kunst bibliothek, Hamburg

Week 118 – October 11 to October 18

Maithili Bavkar

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Acrylic and pen on paper, 2021

Manuela Morgaine

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Giving the finger
–  Flag with Iranian young female students in front of their Mollahs –  Overlayed drawing, 10/10/2022.

Liza Dimbleby

Letter from Glasgow: Noble Pianos 

In March my friend Nadia sent me this video of a bombed out house in Ukraine. I thought it was someone she knew, but it turns out the clip was widely circulated at the start of the war. A woman returns to her house after a bombardment. The first thing she does is to dust down her piano and start to play. As she plays, the other person filming moves the camera about the room and then out through the door and through the house. The camera swings and swoops with the expansive runs of the keyboard, the player’s hands gaining force and confidence with the cadences that ripple out as the camera tracks a trail of rubble and destruction, in every room and down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs the ordered line of shoes by the radiator by the front door is only slightly disrupted. The pair of felt boots with rubber toes have fallen separately —  valenki. Valenki, tapki, the ubiquitous out and indoor footwear of Ukrainian and Russian homes. Such lines of shoes are the first things that greet you as you cross the threshold into the private living space. Down the corridor, smashed glass, the washing up still in the sink, a whisk in a milk pan, and below the window, a child’s toy hard hat on the floor with the real rubble. We hear news of bombardment, and we see the cities with their half-collapsed and burnt out buildings, but it is shocking to see the everyday interior, the fine detail of doors and wardrobes and windows, smashed and fallen. To think of this multiplied endlessly —  all the rooms, all the sad belongings — shoes, clothes, pictures, chairs and tables, scattered and crumbled.

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Anne Dubos

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« Sémantiquement, la sollicitude est indissociable de la notion de charge ; se soucier implique davantage qu’une simple envie ou un intérêt passager, mais bien plutôt l’acquiescement à une forme de prise en charge. Plutôt que de soumettre à discussion les multiples utilisations du terme de care (« sollicitude / soin »), je proposerai cette définition élaborée par Bérénice Fischer et moi-même :

Au niveau le plus général, nous suggérons que le care soit considéré comme une activité générique qui
comprend tout ce que nous faisons pour maintenir, perpétuer et réparer notre « monde », de sorte que nous puissions y vivre aussi bien que possible. Ce monde comprend nos corps, nous-mêmes et notre environnement, tous éléments que nous cherchons à relier en réseau complexe, en soutien à la vie.

B. Fischer et J. C. Tronto, « Towards a feminist theory of care », in E. Abel et M.
Nelson (dir.), Circles of Care: Work & Identity in Women’s lives, State University of New
York Press, Albany, NY, 1991, p.40.

Week 114 – September 13 to September 20

SE Barnet

Thirsty Fountain, 2022
HD video  1’31”

Maithili Bavkar

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For hair to be uncombed,
It will take more than
Running your comb backwards
through your hair.
You must remember,
how many knots were undone,
You must reverse,
the violent straightening.
You must drain out,
The pervasive oil.
Return the lice,
To their welcoming home.
Lovingly and with care,
Add the knots
Back into your hair.

Michelle Deignan

Seaside, single channel HD video, 1 minute 48 secs, 2022

Dettie Flynn

Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls XXXII 
when our hopes don’t become real instantly

Liveful performance with camera –  3 min.  26 sec.

Kyoko Kasuya

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View from Le Cap Fagnet, August 2022

Catherine Radosa

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Témoin (Œdicnème criard) / Witness (Œdicnème criard)

(digital photomontage, 09/2022, realised in the framework of the long terme project on the Triangle de Gonesse, Paris region, France)

Anne Dubos

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1. Les tomates

Le Care ne s’étend pas au simple soin des débiles, des fragiles, des enfants
prématurés. Le Care dit quelque chose de notre relation à notre environnement à travers
la logique de nos actions.
Le Care, d’après la philosophe américaine Joan Tronto, est un geste micropolitique.
Faire acte de sollicitude c’est prendre soin de ses amis, des ses enfants, de ses parents,
de sa maison ou de son jardin, de sa communauté, de ses forêts, de soi-même.

Depuis que je suis arrivée à Saint-Julien l’été dernier, j’ai souhaité m’occuper d’un
des jardins de la commune.
J’ai passé plus d’une dizaine d’heures à débroussailler les herbes enchevêtrées,
comme il avait été laissé à l’abandon. Une vingtaine d’heures à désherber régulièrement
ensuite. Quelques heures à planter des cosmos, des oeillets d’Inde, une monarde, une
verveine fleur, des herbes aromatiques.
Hier, pour la première fois, j’ai obtenu une récolte de tomates et de pommes de
terres. À midi je me suis régalée d’une salade succulente. Le soir, d’une soupe de
courgettes et de pommes-de-terre à l’estragon et au basilic.
Quand je prends soin de lui, le jardin prend soin de moi en retour, c’est sûr.

Manuela Morgaine

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Valeria Troubina

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untitled, watercolour, ink, gouache on paper, Luhansk, August 2022

Week 113 – September 6 to September 13 (2022)

Natacha Nisic

Après une longue pause, je décide de respirer à nouveau. Le poids des choses a trouvé un nouvel équilibre, les masses occupent le ciel, mais c’est pour libérer le mouvement du soleil.

After a long pause, I decide to breathe again. The weight of things has found a new balance, the masses occupy the sky, but it is to free the movement of the sun.

Valeria Troubina

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Ночной Улов, Nighttime Catch, watercolour, gouache, ink on paper, 55cm x 41cm, August 2022

Katja Stuke

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Katja Stuke, A Tree in Wosnessensk
(Google Street View 2015) Aug 20. 2022

»Every day bad news from Ukraine. Still. Every day a new name of a village, town or city in
Ukraine. Every day a screenshot-photo of a tree in that town. A tree to just hold in for a moment.
A tree as a reminder. A tree as a metaphor for time. And a quote referring to that town.« Katja
Stuke, Trees in Ukraine, since 24.2.2022

Ruth Maclennan

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Bodø, 67 Degrees North, September 2022

Catherine Radosa

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Témoin (Witness)

(digital photomontage, 09/2022, realised in the framework of the long terme project on the Triangle de Gonesse, Paris region, France)

Dettie Flynn

Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls XXXI 

Nationalism provides us with one simple response to complex questions
Le nationalisme nous apporte une réponse simple à des questions complexes.

Liveful performance with camera – 3 min. 6 sec.

Liza Dimbleby

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Empty Rooms, Glasgow, July 2022

Letter from Kilcar

Kilcar, Donegal, July 2022

The blue and yellow flags outside the houses here are not for Ukraine, they have always been flying in front of people’s houses, on the driveways and in the hedges, blue and yellow for the Gaelic football team of Kilcar, a village just below the better known Glencolumkille, in South West Donegal.

We come here every summer. My children’s great grandmother grew up here, one of thirteen children, in a low two room dwelling up the side of a glen. The half-ruined house is still there and used as a store for sheep feed. There is a tarmac road that runs up to it where a windmill has been put up on the land, just above the ruin of the house.

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Manuela Morgaine

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Alongside the Rolling Stones, Paris Hippodrome de Longchamp, July 2022.


June 28 to July 5, 2022

Neringa Naujokaite

Lissabon, 2022

Alisa Berger

Emilia Olesia’s First Day of War

Follow Olesia’s activities on IG:

There she posts about the donations and acquired equipment. Thank you!

Donations Link to support Olesia’s work – Paypal:

Valeria Troubina

Don’t look

Catherine Radosa

Libre cours, libre choix (vidéo HD, 1′, 2022)

SE Barnet

Invisible Forces, 2022
HD video  1’44”

May 17 to May 24


Katja Stuke

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Katja Stuke, A Tree in Medyka
(Google Street View 2012) May 16, 2022.
»The number of people entering Ukraine from neighboring Poland has exceeded the number of people crossing the border in the other direction, as the changing war situation prompts more people who evacuated to return.. […] People returning to Ukraine lined up at a customs checkpoint in Poland’s southeastern border city of Medyka on Saturday.« NHK May 15, 2022

Emma Woffenden

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Second Soldier. Drawing acrylic on paper

Manuela Morgaine

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Flowers and animals in wartime, postcard sent to the french institute of Kyoto during THE CROWN LETTER’s exhibition.

Catherine Radosa

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Plantes résistantes II (Resistant plants II)
(Triangle de Gonesse, participatory happening and photographic series)

Dettie Flynn

Feuilleton of spinning swinging wishing Girls XXIX
Dig for Victory
Creuser pour la victoire 

Liveful performance with camera 2min21sec

Vous arrive-t-il de constater que votre longue attente n’a servi à rien ? 
Que les stocks de ce que vous voulez sont épuisés avant que votre tour n’arrive ? 
Ce n’est pas la faute du marchand de fruits et légumes. 
C’est à vous de jouer.
Creusez pour la victoire. Il y a un peu de terre qui vous attend quelque part. 
Et, sûrement, une heure dans le jardin ne vaut-elle pas mieux qu’une heure dans la queue?

Dig for Victory Ministry of Food propoganda during the Second World War – The British Library

Alisa Berger

Heinali Live from a Bombshelter, May 2022

January 18 2022 to January 25 2022

Kyoko Kasuya

はつゆめ  2022年1月   “First dream”, January 2022

Katja Stuke

Help Island 2009/2022
from the series »Lonely Planet«

Liza Dimbleby

Children Washing by James Ensor, 1886

Letter from Glasgow: The Room Inside

I used to be always on the move —  planning trips, looking for tickets, for timetables, was the regular punctuation of my life, but it was also a distraction and an anxiety. Two years of enforced relative stasis by pandemic and I am still drawing breath, relieved at not having to spring into step at my own or other’s demand.  
But I want to get to Belgium, there is a painting I would like to see in Ghent — Children Washing by James Ensor. I am not even sure if it is still there. Oddly enough this painting is one of the few things that binds me with obstinate allegiance not only to my house but to my room here in Glasgow. There is something about this painting, and about its relation to the room in which I sleep and read, that means I cannot imagine moving elsewhere, from this room, in this flat, in this city.

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Ruth Maclennan

Twilight, Kimzha

This winter among the trees of sub-arctic Russia I found light and heat became elusive, granular substances that take on indistinct but alluring personalities. The day’s light scatters quickly if you aren’t alert, and even if you are it is still always fading, dispersing like sugar in tea. The rainbow colours of afterglow on snow dissolve into the night and before they disappear they melt the edges of things, blur bodies and sharpen windows and other angles.  In my longing I found delight in the glitter of vestiges of sunlight catching the crystals of snow, or the lazy, sleepy blue that held on till I found myself tramping through shadows. I’d notice suddenly that my ears were tuning in to the loud crunch of my heavy lumps of cold feet and that the sound was all that was guiding me now.

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Catherine Radosa

Neroztaj #2

Anne Brunswic

Marcelle 6. Cigarillos

Elle tire sur son cigarillo Davidoff, moi sur le mien. Elle n’avale pas la fumée, moi non plus. Nous
fumons de concert, chacune selon sa partition.
Jamais de cigarettes, avec ou sans filtre. Jamais de tabac parfumé à la menthe, à la vanille. Pourquoi pas
au chocolat ou au nougat tant qu’on y est ? Jamais de substances allégées, light, édulcorées. Autant
Il va de soi que Marcelle et moi, nous ne fumons pas par addiction. Une boîte de cigarillos est comme une
boîte de chocolats fins : on ne se jette pas dessus. On déguste. On soupire d’aise. Qu’il est doux de fumer
ensemble en causant de choses qui font plaisir ou sans causer du tout.

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January 18 2022 to Januaru 25 2022

Kyoko Kasuya

はつゆめ  2022年1月   “First dream”, January 2022

Katja Stuke

Help Island 2009/2022
from the series »Lonely Planet«

Liza Dimbleby

Children Washing by James Ensor, 1886

Letter from Glasgow: The Room Inside

I used to be always on the move —  planning trips, looking for tickets, for timetables, was the regular punctuation of my life, but it was also a distraction and an anxiety. Two years of enforced relative stasis by pandemic and I am still drawing breath, relieved at not having to spring into step at my own or other’s demand.  
But I want to get to Belgium, there is a painting I would like to see in Ghent — Children Washing by James Ensor. I am not even sure if it is still there. Oddly enough this painting is one of the few things that binds me with obstinate allegiance not only to my house but to my room here in Glasgow. There is something about this painting, and about its relation to the room in which I sleep and read, that means I cannot imagine moving elsewhere, from this room, in this flat, in this city.

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Ruth Maclennan

Twilight, Kimzha

This winter among the trees of sub-arctic Russia I found light and heat became elusive, granular substances that take on indistinct but alluring personalities. The day’s light scatters quickly if you aren’t alert, and even if you are it is still always fading, dispersing like sugar in tea. The rainbow colours of afterglow on snow dissolve into the night and before they disappear they melt the edges of things, blur bodies and sharpen windows and other angles.  In my longing I found delight in the glitter of vestiges of sunlight catching the crystals of snow, or the lazy, sleepy blue that held on till I found myself tramping through shadows. I’d notice suddenly that my ears were tuning in to the loud crunch of my heavy lumps of cold feet and that the sound was all that was guiding me now.

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Catherine Radosa

Neroztaj #2

Anne Brunswic

Marcelle 6. Cigarillos

Elle tire sur son cigarillo Davidoff, moi sur le mien. Elle n’avale pas la fumée, moi non plus. Nous
fumons de concert, chacune selon sa partition.
Jamais de cigarettes, avec ou sans filtre. Jamais de tabac parfumé à la menthe, à la vanille. Pourquoi pas
au chocolat ou au nougat tant qu’on y est ? Jamais de substances allégées, light, édulcorées. Autant
Il va de soi que Marcelle et moi, nous ne fumons pas par addiction. Une boîte de cigarillos est comme une
boîte de chocolats fins : on ne se jette pas dessus. On déguste. On soupire d’aise. Qu’il est doux de fumer
ensemble en causant de choses qui font plaisir ou sans causer du tout.

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December 14 to January 4

Emma Woffenden

Details – WAVES OF CARE, a collective art work for TRIGGER 

Catherine Radosa

Campagne de Paris, paysage triangulaire (situation novembre 2021, Bernard Loup)
WAVES OF CARE, a collective art work for TRIGGER

Ruth Maclennan

Russkaya Banya, Ruth Maclennan, Albina Mokhryakov, Sofia Skidan WAVES OF CARE, a collective art work for TRIGGER

There are many rituals surrounding the Russian banya. As I was told it is just the place to bathe, in villages that used to have no running water. But it is also a place and time to take care of yourself and others. Beating each other with moistened venniki, often bunches of birch leaves, makes your skin tingle and increases the heat. The wooden house in the village I stayed in had two banyas (and no running water). There was a white banya (po belomu) where the wood-stove has a chimney, and an old-fashioned black banya (po chornomu) without a chimney where the smoke settles in the room and the soot cleans your skin.  The banya is also a place for foretelling the future. Sergei Kulikov, a historian I met recently, told me that the banya was traditionally seen as a profane, unclean place because of its pre-Christian, pagan associations with fortune-telling.  I made this film together with the artists Albina Mokhryakov and Sofia Skidan. 

Anne Dubos

WAVES OF CARE a collective artwork for TRIGGER.

The last person I cared about was my grand-mother.
The day she was sent to the hospice.
I did not care for her. I care about her.

How one can end up his/her life in such an impersonal place?
What brought an entire generation of humans to believe that was possible to erase olden days, older people, vulnerability?

I always wondered about what does it mean to be taken care of by strangers hands, when your life has been devoted to your family.
How could we do that to her?

I tried to help her escape.
I offered to stay with her at her place.

I was never heard.
And she complained to us: « I don’t want to stay here. How can you do that to me? You are my children?».

And I cried, silently.
And I feel ashamed.
I loved her.

Liza Dimbleby

Playing Shostakovich to Greenfield Park Care Home, Glasgow, August 2021
WAVES OF CARE, a collective art work for TRIGGER 
Thanks to Daisy Richardson for video footage

Letter from Glasgow: Waltz no 2. 

We used to play in pubs before the pandemic. Ten or twelve of us, some artists, a theatre worker, an academic, social worker and a psychologist. Now we are a touring band. We are quite in demand, at Care Homes and Hospital Departments, for ailments mental and physical. On Sunday we played our Christmas gig at the Neurological Rehabilitation Unit, at the biggest hospital in the city. The doors were opened wide on the small back garden and the sky above the helipad of the vast complex opposite was dense with rain that fell as a fine curtain and then more furiously as we played towards the distant figures in chairs and wheelchairs, looking out.

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Luise Schröder

Manuela Morgaine


It is said that Saint Nicholas resurrected three children, who had been murdered and pickled in brine by a butcher planning to sell them as pork during a famine. Coming back to life, one of the three sighed: “I thought I was in heaven!”

Aurelia Mihai

Aurelia Mihai LUPA – Traces of a Research II, 2014 – 2019
ERASE THE BORDERS a collective art work for Bienal Sur 2021 (Uruguay)

Ivana Vollaro

For Sudha
WAVES OF CARE a collective artwork for TRIGGER.

Dettie Flynn

Same Stars Shining on Sisters Heads
WAVES OF CARE, a collective art work for TRIGGER

Photograph & Audio

Château aux Ciel (Castle in the Sky) Champtoceaux 49 France

Jully 20 to Jully 27


SE Barnet

Time, Single channel video, 45″

Ana Mendes

Ana Mendes, Almost Light, drawing – ink on paper; 14.7 x 10.5 cm, 2021

Manuela Morgaine


Liza Dimbleby

Landscape Inside, Glasgow July 2021 

Letter from Glasgow: Staying Put

My children did PCR tests and took the night boat to Ireland with their father. I have stayed behind to try and work. Its a heatwave on the streets but I stay indoors, too familiar with the imaginary landscapes outside to be drawn out. The silence of the empty rooms in my flat makes a novel, larger landscape. I pull down the blinds to mute the bleaching harshness of light beyond the windows and make a glowing secret space. I can believe myself in Rome, Madrid or Budapest, in the enclosing solitude of another time and another country. It is enough for now.

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Katja Stuke

Katja Stuke, No Tokyo, 2020
from the series: Supernatural