Luise Schröder

Posted by Luise Schröder

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Luise Schröder is a visual artist based in Germany and France. She studied Photography and Media Arts at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig, Germany. Within her artistic practice she is dealing with aspects of “history in the making” from a today’s perspective. She is interested in how cultures of remembrance and commemoration are influenced and formed by political agendas, media and image production. In recent years, Luise Schröder has taken part in numerous single and group exhibitions, among others at the Rencontres International Paris/Berlin (FRANCE), at the Kunsthalle Baden Baden (GER), at the Gallery EIGEN+ART (Berlin/Leipzig, GER), and at the 7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art in Berlin. Alongside numerous other distinctions, the artist got the C/O Talents Preis [C/O Talents Award] in 2012 and the SpallArt Price Salzburg in 2020. She was holding a residency at the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles in 2016 and was awarded a residency at Cité Internationale des Arts in 2018/19 in Paris. Recently she is working on her project: La Barricade – Existing as a promise, which is supported by CNAP and Ateliers Médicis. The continious creation of Luise Schroeder’s works for the CROWN LETTER PROJECT has been supported by the artistic grant / Arbeitspaket 2019 of the Federal State of Brandenburg, Germany.