Mutsumi Tsuda

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Mutsumi TSUDA, Japanese artist-researcher.

After she was invited from Tjibaou Culturel Centre, she developed her research about the History of Japanese emigrants (1892-1946) in New Caledonia. 2006-2007, she organized a project FEU NOS PERES (exhibition, publication, symposium, etc.) in NC and Japan. In 2009, she spent five months in Camberra to study about three Internment Camps in Australia where Japanese civilians from NC were interned for five years. She often uses historical documents and private archives in her art work. Author of “Divergences from Hiroshima to Los Alamos”(French-English 2002 Blusson), “FEU NOS PERES”(French-Japanese 2006), “Mabui-no-orai”(Japanese 2009 Jimbun-Shoin), “AMES ERRANTES” (French 2012 Madrépores). Until 2017, Mutsumi Tsuda is professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan.