Catherine Radosa

Posted by Catherine Radosa


published on : January 6, 2025

Plantes résistantes II (Resistant plants II)

Photography, collective performance in situ (Gonesse Triangle, Paris region), photographic installation.
A part of the larger long-term project Paris countryside, triangular landscape (2017-2025).

All the values will not make the future.

published on : October 1, 2024

Photography, 9/2024, parc IOR, Bucarest.

One should be able to photograph the smell of this place. A park that has become a crime
scene, the scene of multiple murders. When will the trial take place? Who will represent the
victims? Poisoned trees, burnt greenery, animal habitats reduced to ashes… Speculation,
concreting, making a profit, in one of Europe’s least breathable cities.
I met there Andreea. She told me how she fights, with dance, with words, with others.
May clovers soon grow on this soil, may bare feet caress them… Parc IOR»»

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Catherine Radosa, French-Czech artist, works at the intersection of places and images, words and situations, whether she encounters them or provokes them, often in the public space, notably through video-projection, performance, and participatory action on the scale of architecture and landscape. Her contextual, processual and long-term works question individual and collective representations of borders, memory, identity, environment and public space.
Her work has been shown in Europe and beyond for over twelve years in personal and collective exhibitions, film festivals, as performances and situated installations in public space in the framework of the Nuit Blanche Paris (2023, 2013, 2011), in the Centre Pompidou (Forum climat, Paris, 2022), Maison POP (Montreuil, France, 2023), Bienalsur (Cordoba and Montevideo, 2021), Proyector (Madrid, 2019/2021), Pragovka Gallery (Prague, 2019/2021), Centre Photographie Genève (2016/2019), Gabrielle Maubrie Gallery (Paris 2014), Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid (2012), Videoformes (Clermond-Ferrand, France, 2017), Côté court festival (Pantin, France, 2009) and others.