Manuela Morgaine

Posted by Manuela Morgaine

Holy Crown

published on : September 30, 2024

Tamar was Queen of Georgia from 1184 to 1213. She is considered to be one of the finest monarchs of medieval Georgia, and the first female monarch. When I saw this icon of her inside Svétiskhovéli Cathedral, I thought that it was the first crowned icon ever seen, and that from the heights of Tbilisi, Tamar, like a Holy Crown, was watching over us all.
Mtskheta, Georgia, 28 september 2024.

Coffre-fort – Safe

published on : September 7, 2024

C’est la 200 ème semaine que nous existons, avons ouvert une fenêtre qui ne se referme jamais. Ici c’était dans l’atelier d’Emma W. un de ces quatre étés que nous avons partagé. Garder cette fenêtre d’atelier d’artiste ouverte sur l’horizon, le monde, me permet d’y assembler les pensées infinies inestimables, les utopies infinies inestimables, les espoirs infinis inestimables, les combats infinis inestimables, les formes infinies inestimables, les sentiments infinis inestimables, les désirs infinis inestimables. Cette fenêtre est comme une page d’écriture mais aussi comme un coffre-fort ouvert, qui peut contenir & offrir tout l’infini inestimable.

This is the 200th week that we’ve existed, opened a window that never closes. Here it was in Emma W. studio, one of those four summers we shared. Keeping this artist’s studio window open to the horizon, to the world, allows me to assemble the priceless infinite thoughts, the priceless infinite utopias, the priceless infinite hopes, the priceless infinite struggles, the priceless infinite forms, the priceless infinite feelings, the priceless infinite desires. This window is like a page of writing, but also like an opened safe, that can contain & offer all the priceless infinite.

Arachne the weaver

published on : July 22, 2024
Arachne the weaver – Olympic web between two boats, Paris, Seine river, July 23, 2024.

La liberté guidant le peuple

published on : July 8, 2024
La liberté guidant le peuple – collage Eugène Delacroix & David Quesemand, Paris, 7 juillet 2024.

Clouds on the full moon

published on : June 16, 2024
Clouds on the full moon -Video: Manuela Morgaine & Lucile Latour Music: Tristan and Isolde’s prelude, Richard Wagner.

These brown mists which invade our world, overwhelm ideals and freedoms, these brown mists which veil our continents all the way to the moon, these brown mists which are darkness of death. Have we reached the bottom of inhumanities and totalitarianism to rebuild a new world?

Dagger carved by an inmate

published on : June 10, 2024
Poignard sculpté par un détenu,  Abbaye de Fontevraud, XXème siècle, 7 juin 2024.
Dagger carved by an inmate, Fontevraud Abbey, 20th century, June 7, 2024.

Un poignard pour scier les barreaux de ta cellule, un poignard pour mettre fin à ta vie prisonnière, un poignard pour aiguiser ta révolte, un poignard pour fendre ta solitude, un poignard pour graver les jours qui passent, pour écrire, pour blesser, pour te défendre, pour crier en silence, pour donner à voir ton vrai visage, pour avouer tout le sang coulé, pour le faire couler encore, un poignard en lame de résistance.

A dagger to saw the bars of your cell, a dagger to put an end to your prisoner life, a dagger to sharpen your revolt, a dagger to break through your solitude, a dagger to engrave the days that pass, to write, to wound, to defend yourself, to scream in silence, to show your true face, to admit all the blood shed, to make it flow again, a dagger as a blade of resistance.


published on : June 4, 2024
PostcardForte dei Marmi, Italy, May 2024.

No doubt it was necessary for the whole world, for not a single part of our world to be representable for me to have the idea of ​​making a postcard. There was there, in this unique moment, a semblance of peace, of plenitude, without anyone, and at the same time a theatricality reduced to beach deckchairs representing the human horde. In front of these empty beach chairs, I wondered how many of us would still be alive this summer of 2024. So, on the back of the postcard I would have written: “Dear sky, dear mountains, dear sea, thank you for still offering us your landscape as the world burns and humanity shrinks. I am now sky, mountains, sea, sand and belong to you”.

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Manuela Morgaine is a pluridisciplinary artist: writer, filmmaker, theatre director, performer, living and working in Paris. She runs Envers Compagnie  since 1991. She is the author of several books and experimental radio documentaries broadcast on National French radio station France Culture. She has given her voice to numerous radio and film projects, and has directed several movies, including the four-part,  FOUDRE- LIGHTNING  in 2013 and more recently FOR WAAD in 2021, an archival movie about Syria before war. She is actually working on two installations/performances OUR KIDS the color of peace and ORAKL, a long-term project on the question of Oracles. And also on a long feature movie ADIEU.

” Qui cache son fou meurt sans voix” Henri Michaux