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Sets of Typefaces and Matrices

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Milky Way Pier

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Tokyo Happy

Katja Stuke Tokyo Happy Shibuya Station, Tokyo 2019from: Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber »La ville invisible«

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Clouds on the full moon

These brown mists which invade our world, overwhelm ideals and freedoms, these brown mists which veil our continents all the way to the moon, these brown mists which are darkness of death. Have we reached the bottom of inhumanities and totalitarianism to rebuild a new world?

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Diary of Eve’s Land

Diary of Eve’s Land is a video installation project encompassing 5 short films. It tells the stories of 5 Saudi women, and their daily struggles to balance the expectations of conservative society with their own personal aspirations. They are a divorced psychologist, a pediatrician, a nursing student, a manager of a startup IT company and an […]

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Sets of Typefaces and Matrices

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black tree

L’arbre noir – Black tree

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Dagger carved by an inmate

Un poignard pour scier les barreaux de ta cellule, un poignard pour mettre fin à ta vie prisonnière, un poignard pour aiguiser ta révolte, un poignard pour fendre ta solitude, un poignard pour graver les jours qui passent, pour écrire, pour blesser, pour te défendre, pour crier en silence, pour donner à voir ton vrai […]

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We all deserve cassatta ice-creams

My sister, friend,  said she was feeling sad through a WhatsApp message, sitting in Delhi, occupying the last few days  offered to her by the house  she used to live in for the last 5 years. I had returned from a hot day  at my institute to the shade at home in Palakkad craving some […]

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Digital Hands.

Katja Stuke, geography of the body 2022

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