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Rosa jundzillii Besser
The Blue Dress
oil on canvas, 58 x 56 cm, 2024
All the Tears in the Sea
No doubt it was necessary for the whole world, for not a single part of our world to be representable for me to have the idea of making a postcard. There was there, in this unique moment, a semblance of peace, of plenitude, without anyone, and at the same time a theatricality reduced to beach […]
Mer Rose – Pink Sea, Maui, 2023
Devant la mer devenue rose, peu de temps après la tragédie, alors que l’incendie qui a ravagé la ville de Lahaina est à peine éteint, je pense à cette phrase extraite du poème de Etel Ednan, Time : “sometimes I regret my love of splendor”. Ce n’est peut-être pas l’amour des choses splendides qui me […]
Katja Stuke, geography of the body Osaka Street View, 2024