Valeria Troubina

I did this just before the nightmare started.  
And this is what the city park looks like… Surrealism has conquered this one city.  
This is a portal… at night aliens come out and wander about the empty city (a local joke)

Kasia Ozga

Ukraine, August 26 2007

Marina Fomenko

The events of 1939 should have been a lesson to everybody. This is especially true now when an impossible new war has begun. Here is an excerpt of my film Looking for a Fatal Dystopia (1939).
Documentaries of that time show us an utopia of peaceful life with aeronauts conquering stratosphere, and everyday life with athletic parades and military exercises. Meanwhile, nearby the real fightings are already happening, and tension is growing everywhere on the threshold of the global war.
This film uses the materials of the Russian State Documentary Film and Photo Archive (RGAKFD) for 1939.

Natalia Smolianskaia

Yulia, Moscow Video, 2’56

Catherine Radosa

Lettre du 28.2.2022

Difficile de traduire le présent, je ne peux que tenter de retracer les derniers jours et tisser quelques liens entre les choses.

Le mercredi 23 février je prends l’avion de Paris pour Prague.

Le lendemain, le jeudi 24 février, les nouvelles nouent l’estomac, focalisent toutes pensées sur l’invasion de l’Ukraine par Poutine.

Avant de partir, j’ai relu Europeana, une brève histoire du 20.siècle, de Patrik Ourednik.
J’ai un étrange sentiment d’être restée dans le livre. Une phrase particulièrement me revient : « Et les Russes disaient que l’Europe allait à sa perte et que les catholiques et les protestants l’avaient complètement corrompue et ils proposaient de chasser les Turcs de Constantinople et de rattacher l’Europe à la Russie afin de sauvegarder la foi.»

Le jeudi soir je retrouve Simona, avec qui j’ai pris le même vol la veille.
C’est son anniversaire et je suis désolée que la date soit aujourd’hui si dure à porter.
Elle nous invite à voir une pièce de théâtre sur Jan Patočka -un des principaux philosophe tchécoslovaques et signataire de la Charte 77- qui parle de sa tragique fin dû aux interrogatoires brutales de la police en 1977. La représentation théâtrale de l’histoire est recouverte par un brouillard de l’actualité.

To read more (+Czech and English version) :


Swan sketch 2022
HD video – 45”

Alisa Berger

Kyoko Kasuya

Protection, le 28 février 2022

Ana Mendes

Woman, Lviv, Ukraine, 2011, photography, 34 x 46 cm

Manuela Morgaine


Liza Dimbleby

WORLD PEACE IN UKRAINE! Poster by Yuri Hasenko,published at the start of the Paris Peace Conference, January 1919

Click here to read more

Dettie Flynn

to flee in search of security or to stay to fight
fuir en quête de sécurité ou rester pour se battre

Ruth Maclennan

The Future is Ours!

I filmed this in Odessa in 2012. The original work was shown in a wooden structure inspired by Gustav Kliutsis’s drawings. The title comes from Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein.

major seaport and formerly headquarters of the Imperial Russian fleet. It is famous for its Jewish heritage, its humour, its writers and its counterpart on New York City’s Brighton Beach.

Sergei Eisenstein’s film The Battleship Potemkin celebrates a famous mutiny in 1905, a precursor to the Russian Revolution of 1917, showing the solidarity of the Odessan citizens with the brave sailors rising up against their oppressors. This film has one of the most famous scenes in cinema, of Imperial Cossack guards shooting the onlookers who are cheering the sailors of the Potemkin.

Click to read more

Maria Stoianova

Hi Ruth! Thank you for your support! If you want you can share these photos from Kyiv, they are from my flat. They remind me a bit of how spiders make their webs differently under the influence of different drugs (stresses in our case).  

Katja Stuke

A Tree on Lobanovskyi Avenue, Kiev. (Google Street View 2015) Feb. 26, 2022

Anne Dubos

Let us grow in peace !

Michelle Deignan

Partition, single channel HD video, 1 min 13 secs, 2022

Intravenous Antibiotics 5.45am

Meds 6.30am

Walk and toilet 6.35am

Call home 7.45am

Breakfast 8am

Toilet, Body and teeth Wash 9.15am

Walk around circular corridor 9.45am

Sleep 10am

Toilet 11am

Meds 12.30

Lunch 12.30

Visitor 1pm

Toilet 1.30pm

Walk around circular corridor 2pm

Exercises 2.30pm

Intravenous Antibiotics 3pm 

Film out of window 3.15pm

Sleep 3.30pm

Meds 5.30pm

Dinner 6pm

Call home 7.30pm

Walk around circular corridor 8pm

Exercises 8.30pm

Toilet and wash teeth 9pm

Sleep 9.30pm

Wake 11.30pm

Toilet 11.45pm

Sleep 12.30am

Wake 2.30am

Toilet 2.45am

Sleep 3am

Vitals Checked at 5.30am 


Natacha Nisic

Breaking dreams, breaking lives