Tatiana Frolova

April 5 to April 12

Ukraine and Russia. Drawing 2014

This drawing was made by me in 2014 during a special operation by our troops (remember “we are not there “? but it turned out to be “we are there”) to peacefully seize the Ukrainian territory of Crimea.

Рисунок был сделан мною в 2014 году в момент спецоперации наших войск (помните “настамнет”? а оказалось что “мытамда”) по мирному захвату Украинской территории Крым.

Short bio.

Tatania Frolova is a Russian director and playwright born in Komsomolsk on Amur (Far East Siberia), a city buit in the 1930’s for the needs of the Soviet military-industrial complex. After studying at the Moscow Conservatory, she returned to her home town where she founded the KNAM in 1985. This miniature theatre, totally independent, is a creative laboratory strongly linked to the population. The small troupe stages non-fiction texts directly inspired by the past and present tragedies experienced by ordinary citizens. Since 2010, the KNAM is regularly invited to perform abroad, notably in France .

In March 2022, under the current suffocating political pressure, the Knam Theatre closed its doors. Tatania Frolova and her closest artistic partners are now seeking political asylum in France.
